Downplaying Your Success Is Very Common for Women.

I had a wonderful unconscious reprogramming morning with a private client and it prompted me to write this.

I admit – I personally don’t write enough about the amazing transformation work I am doing with women. My business is thriving and I have been excited and busy – so have not been posting on Social Media as much.

But I had to ask myself – am I too busy or is that really just an excuse?

The reason we downplay success can be varied – for some of us:

Kylie welsh

Each time we downplay our success – we are forming stronger and stronger neural pathways from our childhood (unconsciously) – that we don’t deserve it, and that success will come at a cost. This is really important to understand. We are not individually or collectively doing ourselves any favours by this.

Energetically, when we are carrying these beliefs in our personal energy/energetic field – we will, unfortunately, attract those situations to us time and time again. Some examples might be: We finally get the big break we’ve been working towards and our health crashes. We have an outstanding month busting, through that income limit and then no income for the next 2 months. We form an amazing alliance with a Joint Venture partner who we have been building a relationship with for 6 months – but they don’t hold up their end of the bargain and we don’t make any money from what was supposed to be our big break.

This is a pattern/blind spot/ belief/ loop in your unconscious that needs to be healed from your childhood so that you can feel safe and confident celebrating your success. Remember 95% of your daily actions in business come from your subconscious – where all these hidden limiting beliefs and stored. Only 5% of your actions are conscious thoughts.

Share with me below – something that you are really proud of. I’ll go first – I am really proud of the amazing transformation work I am doing with female entrepreneurs – it fills me up. I will continue to share more of this too.

I would love to hear and see you shine today.

Much love, Kylie xxx

Kylie Welsh