Now Is The Time To Create A FEMALE LED Business 

That Will Allow You To Thrive Personally, 

Transform Other Women’s Lives 


And Attract True Financial Wealth.


It’s Time to ‘Woman UP’ 🙂

Feminine Affluence Codes
feminine Mastermind
About Kylie

What past students have Said

Testimonial image Nikki Taylor

“I was re-created by working with Kylie.”

When re-branding my business I began seeking out someone who would personally understand me, help me identify my feminine side and add value to the business model I was working with. The energies clearly aligned where Kylie appeared on my social media just like that at the time of me looking.

I loved our energy together and loved every moment of our coaching sessions. We created and implemented newer marketing strategies and my own identity to rebrand under. I felt I was re-created by working with Kylie. The transformation is shining through as my clients continue to abundantly show up – now aligning my own feminine energy and values.

I learned so much more of what I had to offer when working with Kylie. We aligned who my ideal clients were and they abundantly showed up. Today they continue to flow. The love of what I do has only expanded even more with further clarity and clear direction in what I offer women.

Thank you Kylie. X

Nikki Taylor
Testimonial Kimberly Rogers

“It has been a very expansive journey with Kylie and I feel like a whole new person with much more confidence and certainty.”

Before working with Kylie – I had met her during a weekend retreat workshop.  Kylie showed us more in one day about marketing from your truth and your heart than I had ever been shown before and I knew I needed to work with her. This felt like the missing piece in my business and client attraction method.

It has been a very expansive journey with Kylie and I feel like a whole new person with much more confidence and certainty. Kylie gently pushes you forward into your greater capacity as an entrepreneur and helps you connect to your higher self for guidance. She has impeccable integrity and firmly guides you to bring out your personal excellence.

This journey has been essential for my business growth, I have more entrepreneurial confidence and a deeper trust and faith in my abilities to magnetically attract clients. The energy of this is much stronger like having deeper roots in the earth. She’s a highly gifted, talented and experienced coach who will help you reach your next level if you let her.

Kimberly Rogers
Testimonial image Kelly Lowry

“… I’ve been able to find solutions with Kylie finally.”

After having various businesses over the last 20 years, I’ve been able to find solutions with Kylie finally.  This includes re-branding myself and coming up with a new business name.

I’ve just finished my SHE training and it has been outstanding! I’ve really learnt the power of MY STORY and how I can use this to really connect and inspire my female audience. Another Key learning that has been imperative is to know how I can set up a ‘profitable’ Trust sales funnel that is going to get me real results in my business. If only I had known this years ago! 

Thank you Kylie and the SHE team. I have really LOVED this training and highly recommend it to other women in business. 

Kelly Lowrie

"I Love That Kylie Is More Energetic and Feminine Embodiment Focussed Than Other Business Coaches."

I now have a deeper understanding of my ideal clients and that has helped me immensely with what I post online, how I word it, and who I am attracting into my business. Everything has come together for me and I just feel so much more confident showing up online now.

I love that Kylie is more energetic and feminine embodiment focused than other business coaches.

Kylie is wonderful to work with, she is so kind and is always there when I need assistance and most of all, she welcomes any questions.

My eyes have been opened up and my horizons broadened more from this Mastermind.

I would definitely recommend this. The variety of content and the ways Kylie supports us has been well beyond my expectations.

Amina Bise
Life Coach For Women 

When does Feminine Affluence Codes 
Mastermind Begin?

The next Mastermind begins

June 2024.

feminine Mastermind


I cannot wait to witness your evolution.

Are you ready?


The Divine Feminine Healings will clear the old ancestral wounding, patriarchal, and unconscious feminine programs that might be keeping you stuck and blocking you from stepping into your Feminine Power.

Kylie in white dress with sage


6 x monthly HEALING SESSIONS for one hour, focusing on a specific wound related to the Divine Feminine.

Kylie white dress dreaming

Recorded Healings

These RECORDED HEALINGS will be sent to you via email and are for you to use in the privacy of your own home.

This is the gift every woman should give herself.

"Amazing Transformations Being in Kylie’s Mastermind!"

Kylie has guided me to reflect and see a very different, bigger, and brighter way to move forward in my business!

This is the first time I’ve had training around specifically focusing on female attributes and calling in female clients to my offers and I love it.

This mastermind offers so much more individual and group support to my past experiences, and all participants are selected to complement each other, very intuitive, thank you, Kylie, you do offer a very high level of value.

I think it’s time for many more women in business to be transformed in themselves while transforming their businesses. I’m excited to recommend your mastermind, it’s a really deep experience.

Sigrid de Kaste
High Impact Book Writing & Marketing Mentor

"Kylie Is A Leader In This Area With Her Mastermind."

I really like approaching entrepreneurship with a female focus. It feels much more authentic than the push-push of the traditional business models.

Kylie is a leader in this area with her Mastermind. My vision for the future and the products and services that I can create and provide to support people is constantly growing with Kylie’s support.

My biggest transformation is having a feeling of peace with money now.

It is also wonderful to be in a container with other like-minded female entrepreneurs. I enjoy having Kylie and the group as a place to sound out some ideas in a safe, supportive environment.

For me, it is about being supported to be the best version of entrepreneur I can be. I am so pleased that I joined up this training.

Davina Herbert
Pet Energy Therapy

"I am a Stronger, More Confident Woman Working in an Authentic and Proud Feminine way."

You have helped me to reflect and compassionately discover and guide me to becoming a better version of myself personally and in my business. I am a stronger, more confident woman working in an authentic and proud Feminine way.

For anyone considering this Mastermind Program, you will find yourself immersed in lovingly supported deep reflection, true gently guided spiritual upgrades with a wholesome focus on expanding your business to new heights.

Kylie has the knack for leading women to higher powerful Feminine success in a safe and warm space. Plus those healings and meditations? OMG! Just awesome!

You will find yourself becoming a confident, compassionate, and knowledgeable female leader.

It’s a great feeling!!

Alexandra Browne-Hill

Meet Kylie

Golden Kylie Welsh Logo single line

Moving you into your next level of business success 

is possible. I can’t wait to show you a NEW WAY 

– so you accomplish everything you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

June 2024.  This is a prime time to start a Mastermind so you can finish 2024 with it being the best year of your business and setting you up for even greater success in 2025.

You’ll have the opportunity to join a live session fortnightly. We will determine the time based on the group’s preferences. All sessions will be recorded and emailed to you, if you can’t attend.

The dates of the Online Retreats will be confirmed with you, at time of registration. If you are unable to attend – you will be emailed a recording of the event.

You can share as much or as little as you like. This is your journey and you’re the playwright in your own story. You may feel more comfortable asking questions in the Facebook group, but we love it when you share your stories and questions as it helps others to share theirs. No question is too small or silly.

Each fortnight, the coaching sessions will take 2 hours, followed by a 1 hour Q&A. Please allow additional time to recreate your business. We can do this as slowly or as quickly as your time permits, as you will have lifetime access to this content.


You can still join! You will have lifetime access to this course and you’ll be able to watch them whenever it suits you. And if the content is ever updated, don’t worry, you’ll be the first to gain access.

Immediately upon joining you will receive an email inviting you into the exclusive Feminine Affluence Codes Facebook community.

You’ll also receive login details and course materials for any pre course work Kylie has assigned you.

The materials will arrive in your inbox each fortnightly Monday, the day before each fortnightly GROUP BUSINESS COACHING SESSION.

You’ll also be sent a link to book in for your Personal Branding and Positioning Consult with Kylie Welsh.  You’ll receive a document to fill out before your Personal Branding and Positioning session which will take approximately 1 hour to fully complete.

There’s nothing to complete! The content is there for you to access whenever you like. Let it slide into your life. It’s always there for you.  You’ll have your frameworks, grids, and guides ready to implement in your business, and will be held to account via our coaching sessions. If you don’t have time to complete these, you can come back to them.

It is worth every cent and more. It includes hand-held guidance and tangible plans. The learning is abundant with 14 years of hands-on business experience with women. This is my life and soul’s work wrapped up into a neat, tidy, life-changing, and comprehensive gift to you.

I’ve used the same framework and process for brands in personal growth, spirituality, wellness, beauty, lifestyle, B2B services, marketing, accounting, coaching, software, devices, online education and more.

If you want to impact more women, this course is for you.

Have further Questions?

If you have further questions, you can contact me directly by clicking below and I’ll reply ASAP.

The Evolution of Female
Entrepreneurship is finally here

 If you are ready? Hit the button below.

All you need to do is click on the link below to book in a Preliminary 15-Minute Connection Call with Kylie to see if this is the right step for you. 

There will be a few questions to answer prior to the call – so Kylie can prepare for the call and make sure she is providing value.