Mothering Your Clients: Embrace Your Worth!

Ladies, do you ever find yourself constantly hand-holding your clients, going above and beyond to ensure they stay? Do you feel like you have to do more, be more, just to keep them from leaving you? I have been there and I see so many of my female clients doing this – before they start to defragment their unconscious programming.
This behaviour often stems from an unconscious low self-worth program and a fear of not being good enough that you picked up in childhood and it is still running the show in your business today. I was in my 40’s when I finally got this. I had spent so much money on my conscious mind and I believed I loved myself and had high self-worth.
Mothering Your Clients: Embrace Your Worth!
And I was right CONSCIOUSLY – but there was an unconscious hidden program that was affecting how I was running my business – that I was not even aware of. It was rooted in people-pleasing and a subconscious belief that if I didn’t over-deliver, my clients would walk away.
But here’s the truth: You are enough, you know that. Your skills, knowledge, and expertise are what your clients need. They came to you for a reason, and it’s not because you mother them—it’s because you are an expert who can guide them to success.
Trust yourself and your abilities. Your subconscious programming might tell you otherwise, but it’s time to reprogram those beliefs. Stand firm in your worth, set healthy boundaries, and watch how your business thrives as you attract female clients who respect and value you for who you truly are.
Remember, nurturing is part of our nature, but your role as a mentor, coach, practitioner and/or consultant is to empower your clients, not to carry them.
When a subconscious unworthiness pattern is running – it feels good to have clients rely on you. You feel important and needed. When you are in your feminine power – it feels icky because you know that you are doing them a disservice.
Embrace your power, trust in your value, and let go of the need to mother. Your clients will thank you for this.
You’ve got this. 💪✨
What about you – have you been guilty of this too? I know I am not the only one 🙂

Much love, Kylie xxx

Kylie Welsh