Kylie Welsh is the CEO of The Feminine Affluence Codes and Wealth Energetics Mastermind and Leader of the She Entrepreneur Collective – a community of over 20 thousand women in business.
Kylie has been a successful female entrepreneur for the past 14 years – creating a multi 6 figure business running Masterclasses and Workshops in the area of Branding, Positioning and Profit Generation for women.

Kylie is also a requested speaker in the area of Feminine Leadership
Kylie is also a requested speaker in the area of Feminine Leadership and why the time is NOW for women to do business differently. Kylie’s life changed dramatically when she experienced adrenal burnout in her business. She knew there must be a new, better way for women in business to thrive personally, professionally and financially.
What started as a personal journey to embody the Divine Feminine – led to something so much bigger. Kylie has uncovered how to create a “A VISION BASED FEMALE EMPIRE’ that would allow women to thrive personally, impact other women and create financial abundance she is desiring.

Kylie’s Vision is to change Female Entrepreneurship so more Embodied Female Leaders are called forward -
to inspire and empower other women.
Mastering this has been the MISSING LINK...
Mastering this has been the MISSING LINK in her entrepreneur journey and the many women she works with. Combining this with Wealth Energetics and Powerful Personal Branding has been a game changer. Her own life, vitality and abundance have sky rocketed. As an empowered solo mum – and 14 years into her entrepreneurial journey – Kylie is now living her dreams with a Highly Profitable, Impact business that continues to transform women’s lives.
Kylie’s Vision is to change Female Entrepreneurship so more Embodied Female Leaders are called forward – to inspire and empower other women.

7 Day Feminine Affluence Codes and Wealth Energetics Immersion:
For Conscious Sisters Desiring GREATER/GLOBAL IMPACT with Women!